United States Debt by Sector

Dollar amounts are debt owed by each sector (amounts borrowed by each sector)

     Credit market debt-2006/Q2: $42.7 trillion (323% of GDP)

     Household sector-2006/Q2: $12.4 trillion (94% of GDP) (130% of "households’ gross disposable income")

     Financial sectors- 2003: $11.6 trillion (100% of GDP)

     Nonfinancial corporate business-2003: $4.973 trillion (67.5% of GDP "Non-financial corporations") (data from ECB)

     Nonfarm noncorporate business-2003: $2.241 trillion

     Farm business-2003: $208 billion

    Government-$5.594 trillion (data from ECB)

                 Federal government-2003: $4.034 trillion

                State and local governments-2003: $1.560 trillion
